Find out more about Vienduo

Vienduo is the go to search engine for contacts. Find the right person for all your needs, wishes and dreams.

Simply search for a reason you wish to connect with another person. Anything is possible. Would you like to play tennis? Then join this Duoboard now!

Find the person you need in any situation

Scroll through the list of profiles and when you find the right person just say Hi!

Just say Hi with a voice message

In order to connect to the person that fits your needs, you only have to send a short voice message. Say Hi to Andrea and wait for her response!

Once connected always connected

Simply chat with the people you connected with. Meet, talk, do something! Vienduo is the easiest way to connect with the people you need.

Vienduo is the "smart" phone book for the smart phone

Changing the world isn't an easy task, especially if you are alone.
Use Vienduo to never be alone anymore. Find people for any reason possible and change the world with us!

For those who dance,
who share,
who love to take a chance,

for those who feel strange,
who dare,
who wish to change.

Be together!

Contact us!

[email protected]

Soon available on all major platforms!

Vienduo will be completely free.